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Writer's pictureSara Hodgson

Bent Over DB Supinated Grip Rows

Bent Over DB Supinated Grip Rows - Hit your back and biceps in one exercise.

This variation of the row is very similar to the Bent Over DB Neutral Grip Rows. The only difference between the two will be your hand positioning.

In the Neutral Grip position your hands (as they grip the DB's) are facing inward towards your body. The Supinated Grip position has your palms facing UP.

Bent Over DB Supinated Grip Rows mainly target your upper back muscles (lats/traps), but also the back portion of your shoulders AND the biceps. This is another large difference that the switch in the grip positioning elicits.

Because this movement is done in a bent over position you are also working your core and low back to an extent as you brace your core to stabilize the neutral spine position.

You can row, or pull back, the dumbbells both at the same time OR you can alternate pulling one back and then the either.

Tip: Keep your back flat and your chin tucked to keep your head in line with your spine.

Bent Over Rows don't take much equipment or space. Try them out during your next pull or upper body day.

female performing bent over dumbbell rows in a gym


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