I know I know warm ups can be boring but trust me they are soooo valuable for so many reasons.
Athletes go through warm ups of all sorts before lifting and before practices and game days. I don't train my clients much different than I've trained any athlete. We all need strength, balance, mobility and to prevent injury as much as we can try to. With that being said, all of my clients, athlete or not, go through a dynamic warm up before their workouts. The older you get the more you’ll feel the benefit of it too. I’ll catch my clients and myself going through a warm up like this and saying “yup… i needed that” after because it just loosens you up, wakes your muscles up, and just gets you ready physically AND mentally for the workout to come.
A good warm up routine has added benefits too! It can increase your strength, work your balance, and improve your mobility way more than you realize.
Check out my full body routine linked below. Give it a try before your next workout whether it’s at home or in the gym.
Added tip: if you are a beginner - let this be your workout!
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